Examine This Report on Car Donations

Our veterans are often neglected. They sacrifice for our great country and many are forgotten. Now you can help these protectors of our country who are often neglected by donating your unwanted car or real estate to "Driving Successful Lives". Real estate that's vacant or uninsured is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Taxes can continue to pile up creating a monumental burden on your heirs. "Driving Successful Lives" has the experience needed in assisting our veterans and can help you ease the burden of unwanted real estate or unwanted vehicles. Start the process today by calling 1-888-981-9746 or visiting drivingsuccessfullives.com. One of our caring and experienced representatives will ease you through the process of helping our veterans. While helping yourself and protecting your heirs receive a tax deduction for your car or real estate donation at Driving Successful Lives.

Why Donate?
Are you holding onto property that fails to yield annual revenue, when you could be enjoying a generous tax savings? While holding on to depreciating property, at the same time, you may be holding on to a considerable federal tax deduction for you as well as a valuable asset to a charitable organization.
Holding vs. Donating
Many are burdened with unwanted property simply because they are unaware of their options. In numerous circumstances, selling is not ideal for unproductive property due to the hefty costs involved that overshadow the actual property worth. Because of this, many people hold on to idle real estate & vehicles for lack of a better alternative, and are frustrated paying excessive costs without seeing any return on their investment. But for all those frustrated, there’s hope. Driving Successful Lives can offer you the solution you have been waiting for.
Benefits of Donating
Property donation is proven time and again as the best alternative to selling, due to the quick liquidation of assets, numerous tax breaks, and opportunity to benefit charitable foundations. Everyday, more people are discovering the ease of donating property through Driving Successful Lives. We are an organization that specializes in handling all of the aspects of the real estate donation process for individuals, corporations, and charities. We are dedicated to ensuring that property donation is a very positive and rewarding experience for all.

Driving Successful Lives, a Michigan-based national non-profit, has experienced steady growth while yet in its infancy. With its national roll-out, the organization is working feverishly to make the holiday season special for many families around the country.

Through Driving Successful Lives’ car and real estate donation programs, the 501(c) 3 is able to make use of unwanted and unused cars and properties and provide funding to associated charities or by directly providing donations that can be utilized by charitable organizations that include churches, shelters and food distribution programs.

A representative of the organization commented, “Driving Successful Lives has been feeding the hungry, the homeless and disadvantaged people of many communities.” Highlighting a primary focus of the car donation program.

Relating to the organization’s part of the car and real estate donation programs that make vehicles and properties directly available to those in need, the rep added, “Through collaborative efforts - working with other non-profits and charity partners, we have provided donations for many individuals, families and organizations to help to further their missions.”

“The cars and properties that we donate help families get re-established and on their feet as they work towards securing gainful employment. And, larger donated vehicles and commercial properties can be put to commercial use – aiding various programs of the charity.”

“The Stake Truck, the Dump Truck and the 6 - 8 passenger vehicles allow for the transport of materials, building, clearing of areas for improvement and for the shuttling of people to church, programs, counseling, doctor’s appointments Source and therapy. Everybody works together for the greater good of mankind, the organization and to better the community.”

Contact Info:

Driving Successful Lives
Detroit https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&t...[[42.4486991,-83.0111379],[42.3306772,-83.30157009999999]]
Charity Representative


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